Thursday, March 4, 2010

Rehearsal for Sunday, March 7

We'll be in the Gym this week. Here's what's happening:

12:30 - 1:30 - Staging Scene 9
God, Noye, Mrs. Noye, Sem, Ham, Jaffett, Mrs. Sem, Mrs. Ham, Mrs. Jaffett, Animal Groups**
1:30 - 2:00 - Staging Scene 4
God, Noye, Mrs. Noye, Waves, Sem*, Ham*, Jaffett*, Mrs. Sem*, Mrs. Ham*, Mrs. Jaffett*, Gossips*
2:00 - 2:30 - Staging Scene 1
God, Noye

*Characters are on stage, do not sing, but might have staging. It is best if they are at rehearsal, but it is not absolutely vital.
**It would be great to have any animals join us that would like to, but it is definitely not necessary.

Please let Kiki McKendrick ( or Heidi Hayes ( know if you cannot be at rehearsal. Thanks!

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