Sunday, February 28, 2010

Taking The Plunge

Welcome to Creating The Fludde. This blog was created to be an online meeting place for Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church's April 2010 production of Noye's Fludde. Many people are already involved in this production and more are coming on board. As the stage director, it is my intention that this blog will keep all of us on the same page, in the loop, knowing what is going on with the many aspects of this production.

We had our first staging rehearsal today. After the hours of discussing and planning, it certainly felt good to get started. There was so much enthusiasm in the room, and, true to form, the wonderful talent pool of Bryn Mawr Pres. is already at work.

I'll try to post the general staging after each rehearsal. I'm hoping those who couldn't be at rehearsal can use this for basic ideas of the staging. For those who were at the rehearsal, I hope it will be a resource to remember what we did.

To keep this easier to use, I'll post the staging for every scene in a separate post.

Some housekeeping, particularly for those who have solo roles:

Everyone should have a copy of the rehearsal schedule, as well as the character and scene breakdown. I'll post those to the blog as well.

I've really tried to make the rehearsals as minimal and organized as possible, so please do your best to be there. If you absolutely must miss rehearsal, please let me know as soon as you can. You can reach me at: or at 610-574-8605. The sooner I know, the better.

The focus of these rehearsals is staging, not music. We'll stumble through with scores in hand initially, so don't worry if you don't know your music perfectly yet.

Our first rehearsal was in the Fine Arts Center, but all other rehearsals will be in the Gym.

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