Sunday, February 28, 2010

Rehearsal Schedule

All rehearsals are in the Gym, unless noted

Sunday, Feb. 28
12:30 – 1:30 – Scene 2
Noye, Sem, Ham, Jaffett, Mrs. Sem, Mrs. Ham, Mrs. Jaffett, Mrs. Noye, Gossips

1:30 – 2:30 – Scene 3
Noye, Sem, Ham, Jaffett, Mrs. Sem, Mrs. Ham, Mrs. Jaffett, Mrs. Noye,* Gossips*

Sunday, March 7
12:30 – 1:00 – Scene 9
God, Noye, Mrs. Noye, Sem, Ham, Jaffett, Mrs. Sem, Mrs. Ham, Mrs. Jaffett, Animal Groups**

1:00 – 2:00 – Scene 4
God, Noye, Mrs. Noye, Waves, Sem*, Ham*, Jaffett*, Mrs. Sem*, Mrs. Ham*, Mrs. Jaffett*, Gossips*

2:00 – 2:30 – Scene 1
God, Noye

Sunday, March 14
12:30 – 2:00 – Scene 6
Noye, Mrs. Noye, Sem, Ham, Jaffett, Gossips, Waves

2:00 – 2:30 – Scene 5
Sem, Ham, Jaffett, Mrs. Sem, Mrs. Ham, Mrs. Jaffett, Animal Groups**, Noye*, Mrs. Noye*, Gossips*

Wednesday, March 17
4:20 - 4:35 - Stage Scenes 5 and 9
Carol Choir Animal Groups

4:35 - 5:00 - Stage Scenes 5 and 9
Alleluia Choir Animal Groups

7:00 - 7:30 - Stage Scenes 5 and 9
Youth Chorale Animal Groups

Sunday, March 21
12:30 – 1:15 – Scene 7
Noye, Mrs. Noye, Sem, Ham, Jaffett, Mrs. Sem, Mrs. Ham, Mrs. Jaffett, Waves/Wind, Animal Groups**

1:15 – 2:00 – Scene 10
God, Noye, Mrs. Noye, Sem, Ham, Jaffett, Mrs. Sem, Mrs. Ham, Mrs. Jaffett, Animal Groups**

2:00 – 2:30 – Scene 8
Noye, Raven, Dove

Wednesday, March 24
4:20 - 4:35 - Stage Scenes 7 and 10
Carol Choir Animal Groups

4:35 - 5:00 - Stage Scenes 7 and 10
Alleluia Choir Animal Groups

7:00 - 7:30 - Stage Scenes 7 and 10
Youth Chorale Animal Groups

Sunday, March 28
possible this will be cancelled or rescheduled
12:30 – 2:30 – Stumble Thru
God, Noye, Mrs. Noye, Sem, Ham, Jaffett, Mrs. Sem, Mrs. Ham, Mrs. Jaffett, Gossips, Waves/Wind, Raven, Dove, Animal Groups**

Sunday, April 4
Easter – No Rehearsal

Wednesday, April 7
4:20 - 5:00 - Review all staging
Carol and Alleluia Choirs Animal Groups

6:45 - 7:30 - Review all staging
Youth Chorale Animal Groups

Sunday, April 11
12:30 – 2:30 – Work Show in Order; Work with Set and Costumes that are available
God, Noye, Mrs. Noye, Sem, Ham, Jaffett, Mrs. Sem, Mrs. Ham, Mrs. Jaffett, Gossips, Waves/Wind, Raven, Dove, Animal Groups**

Wednesday, April 14
4:20 - 5:00 - Review all staging
Carol and Alleluia Choirs Animal Groups

6:45 - 7:30 - Review all staging
Youth Chorale Animal Groups

Sunday, April 18
12:30 – 2:30 – Costume Run
God, Noye, Mrs. Noye, Sem, Ham, Jaffett, Mrs. Sem, Mrs. Ham, Mrs. Jaffett, Gossips, Waves/Wind, Raven, Dove, Animal Groups (attendance for Animals STRONGLY encouraged)

Wednesday, April 21
6:00 – 8:30 – Full Cast Dress Rehearsal
Optional for littlest cast members

Thursday, April 22
6:00 – 8:30 – Full Cast Dress Rehearsal
Optional for littlest cast members

Friday, April 23
6:00 – 8:30 – Mandatory Full Cast Dress Rehearsal

Saturday, April 24
6:00 - Call
7:00 Performance #1

Sunday, April 25
3:00 - Call
4:00 - Performance #2

*Characters are on stage, do not sing, but might have staging. Best if they are at rehearsal, but not absolutely vital.

**It would be great to have one leader/representative from each animal group at these rehearsals.

The First Worker Bees

Were Naomi Maloney and Kara Udicious. They volunteered immediately at a choir parents' meeting on February 3 to assist with props. 2 weeks later, we found ourselves in a secret location at BMPC, climbing on chairs, hauling down set pieces (from previous BMPC productions, banging our heads and hands on pipes to find ----


a Rainbow. Yup, can't do Noye's Fludde without a Rainbow.

Thanks for being first, Naomi and Kara!


We changed the performance venue.

After a Thursday morning meeting and a couple of phone calls, the production team decided to move the performances out of the Sanctuary and into the Gym.

This means we can rehearse in our actual performance space, which is a huge asset. We can also set up the scenery (read - the ARK) much sooner and start to work with it sooner. Since we are using a 2-level ark, this will be incredibly helpful.

Another positive is that the Gym is a smaller space than the Sanctuary. Sight lines should be better for the audience. Also, it will be easier to fill the house and performing to a full house is always better!

The only possible negative we could think of is the sound issue. Being a Gym, it is a pretty resonant place. However, the positives were so strong, we decided we could work with this.

Scene 3 Staging

General Staging for Scene 3(pp. 13 - 18), m. 18 - 27

Mrs. Noye and her Gossips sit SR, relaxing and enjoying a tiny bit of drink. They will have the pond/Waves to enjoy.

The others begin to build the ark. Throughout this scene, there is movement and work, BUT everyone stops wherever they are to sing the "at the coming of the fludde", etc., which comes at the end of each phrase. Do not worry about facing the audience, you should be frozen in action. There's one exception. Read on.

At M. 18, the Sons and Wives listen to Noye. First, he removes the masking from the ark. At M. 19, he motions them to work. Sem, Ham and Jaffett cross SR (behind Noye) to pick up boards. The Wives cross SL to pick up boards.


At M. 20, Noye motions to(or moves toward) the tree trunk which is SL. Sons and Wives continue to put boards in place.

At M. 21, the Wives move to the second level of the ark and begin to work there. The Stagehands will probably join them. The Sons continue to work on the lower level. This continues through M. 25.

At M. 25, everyone stops working and faces front to sing the final "at the coming of the fludde". Each individual is thinking what this means to them as an individual. Some are scared, some are confident, some are questioning. We see this emotion on their faces.

End of Scene 3.

Scene 2 Staging

General Staging for Scene 2 (pp. 6-13, m. 8 - 18)

In this scene, we meet Noye's Sons (Sem, Ham & Jaffett) and their Wives (Mrs. Sem, Mrs. Ham and Mrs.Jaffett) We also meet Mrs Noye and her friends, known as The Gossips.

The Sons and Wives enter from the House Left door closest to the stage, hereafter known as HL front door. Each individual should enter at the time noted in the score and with the prop that is mentioned. The basic movement is that each enters, comes to Noye and shows him the tool and/or idea they have to help with building and continues to sing to their respective partner and the others.

We discussed character ideas - how will you enter? Are you running, walking, skipping? All of you want to help Noye, but you might have different ways of showing that.

At M. 13 (bottom of p. 10), Mrs. Noye and Gossips enter from the HL back door. The Gossips are carrying 2 bunches of kindling and one wooden flask. They walk through the audience, initially not noticing what is happening on stage. When they are halfway through the audience, Mrs. Noye notices her family and her mood changes. The entire group must be Stage Right (hereafter known as SR) on the floor by M. 15. Mrs Noye walks up the steps, carrying one small twig to tease Noye with. The Gossips stay off the stage (there's a good chance there will be a SR platform that they will stand on). At M. 16, Mrs. Noye torments Noye a bit and the Gossips move into the SR stairs. Mrs. Noye then crosses to join the Gossips. They need to be there by M. 18.

End of Scene 2!

Taking The Plunge

Welcome to Creating The Fludde. This blog was created to be an online meeting place for Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church's April 2010 production of Noye's Fludde. Many people are already involved in this production and more are coming on board. As the stage director, it is my intention that this blog will keep all of us on the same page, in the loop, knowing what is going on with the many aspects of this production.

We had our first staging rehearsal today. After the hours of discussing and planning, it certainly felt good to get started. There was so much enthusiasm in the room, and, true to form, the wonderful talent pool of Bryn Mawr Pres. is already at work.

I'll try to post the general staging after each rehearsal. I'm hoping those who couldn't be at rehearsal can use this for basic ideas of the staging. For those who were at the rehearsal, I hope it will be a resource to remember what we did.

To keep this easier to use, I'll post the staging for every scene in a separate post.

Some housekeeping, particularly for those who have solo roles:

Everyone should have a copy of the rehearsal schedule, as well as the character and scene breakdown. I'll post those to the blog as well.

I've really tried to make the rehearsals as minimal and organized as possible, so please do your best to be there. If you absolutely must miss rehearsal, please let me know as soon as you can. You can reach me at: or at 610-574-8605. The sooner I know, the better.

The focus of these rehearsals is staging, not music. We'll stumble through with scores in hand initially, so don't worry if you don't know your music perfectly yet.

Our first rehearsal was in the Fine Arts Center, but all other rehearsals will be in the Gym.